Processwork : Psychotherapy - Counselling - Coaching
"The body is a teacher to live life fully."
Arnold Mindell
I offer sessions for individuals and couples on Zoom and in person in Linlithgow. I also offer small group work called Living Closer to the Dreaming. During sessions we develop and expand our awareness to access what we need for ourselves, in our work life, and relationships, or a project - we unfold what is emerging for us and in the world. We step over our internal edges and learn to navigate our boundaries to feel more fulfilled and resourced, living closer to our unique purpose in life.
Process Oriented Psychology (Processwork) was developed by Arnold Mindell, a physicist by training, who became a Jungian analyst and founded Processwork in Zurich, Switzerland during the 80s. He is now based in Portland Oregon and is author of many books - my favourite: The Shaman's Body.
Mindell coined the term dreambody to describe the patterns that express themselves in our body and in our night time dreams. 'In Processwork we focus on the body to gain access to the wisdom of nature and the creative process that is emerging through our body signals and symptoms.' (Jean-Claude Audergon – in New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy, 2005)
Processwork has many applications, such as client work (including trauma, extreme states, anxiety, stress, and more), group or couple conflicts, organisational and environmental changes. I also use Processwork principles when I coach authors. In essence it is an awareness practice - being aware of body signals, world signals, unintended things that happen to us, or in what we do.
An hour session for an individual is £60.
Discounted block of 4 sessions, paid in one go at £55 per session (£220).
Two low waged spaces available at £50 per session
An hour session for a couple is £120 (£60 per person).
For small group sessions - see Living Closer to the Dreaming on my events page